There are 2 parts to running your business:

  1. Focusing on the primary functions of your business; and
  2. Doing the stuff that makes your business run.

I have not met a single entrepreneur who loves to do that second part. Most would MUCH rather do whatever their business does — create their product, service their clients, etc. — than focus on things like bookkeeping, dealing with contracts, managing computer systems, sales, social media, etc. These things take up precious hours and may not seem to have an immediate impact on your business. Ignoring these tasks, however, may cause you problems in the long run. Your business may not be as efficient, may not acquire as many customers as it could, and in some cases, you could even run into legal or financial problems.

Ignoring social media marketing won’t cause you legal problems, but it could be costing you customers. So what do you do when you know you should be on Facebook or Twitter, but you don’t have the time or desire to spend hours posting on social media? Well, for one, you could hire Astrid Digital to manage your social media, but if you want to handle it yourself, I have a few tips for you.

  1. Have a Strategy
    Without a plan, you are just wandering aimlessly. Wandering aimlessly will cost you lots of time. If you have a plan, you have an idea of what you should be doing, and that puts you a big step ahead.
  2. Use Canva or Stencil to easily make graphics for posts.
    Both of these programs offer simple to edit templates that you can add your own photos and images to. You can resize your images for different social media platforms at the click of a mouse. You can even make some animated images with sound to make your content more enticing.
  3. Schedule your posts in advance. 
    There are so many of post schedulers available now. Hootsuite, Buffer, SproutSocial are just a few. They make it easy to plan your social media posts ahead of time. Schedule posts a week, a month, — or more — in advance. Schedule holiday posts at the start of the year and you won’t have to worry about doing it when the actual holiday comes.
    One thing to note: Make sure the one you choose is an approved partner of the social platforms that you use.
  4. Repurpose content.
    If you made a video that has a great quote, copy the quote into a graphic and post that to your social media. Turn an existing piece into a Pin-able Infographic. Take an e-book you’ve written and divide it into several blog posts and in turn, convert this into a number of social media posts.
  5. Share relevant content from other sources. 
    If another source (not a competitor, obviously) shares an article or post that may be of interest to your target audience, re-share it on your feed. See a funny meme that is relatable to your followers? Share that too.  Just make sure to give credit to the original source.

Got another tip for saving time? Share it on our Facebook page.

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